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  • About the Pan-African Initiative
    Setting up in African countries
    the enabling environment for the digital transformation of their TVET systems and skills development.
  • National Programme: Strategy Development
    This programme supports countries,
    in the process of developing a national strategy for the digital transformation of their TVET system.
  • regional programme
    This programme enables the establishment of national technical teams
    capable of advocating for the digital transformation of TVET
  • cross-cutting programme: support for implementation
    This programme accompanies the countries,
    in the implementation of their action plan.



Regional workshop in Dakar for cohort 2022: UNESCO and its partners equip leaders and practitioners from 8 African countries

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TVET program

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  • by the readable content of a page when
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The continent must train young people capable of meeting the needs of the economy of today and tomorrow

Implementation of means to ensure the training and development of a human being; means to achieve this.

Monitoring is the systematic process of collecting, analyzing and using information to continuously determine progress

The list of all beneficiary countries from 2021 to 2028

Beneficiary countries

  • Training
  • Country support
  • Action plan implementation


Galérie Photo

Regional training workshop for pratitioners
Regional training workshop for leaders and policy markers
A Regional Face-to-face Training Workshop for TVET Leaders and Practitioners 2022